Policy Work
Titl, V. (2024). Single bidding in public procurement [summary in English]. IDEA Policy Study 3/2024, CERGE-EI: Prague.
Nicolas, R., Titl, V. and F. Schotanus (2024). European funds and green public procurement. DemoTrans Policy Brief 10/2024.
Rampton, J., Dimauro, M., Stedtnitz, C., Vencovska, J., Granito L. and V.Titl (2024). The future of digitalisation in budgetary control. Study requested by The European Parliament.
Titl, V. (2021). Transparency in Public Procurement in the European Union. Report for the Greens/EFA Group in The European Parliament.
Titl, V. (2020). Online Public Procurement System Reduces Collusion in Ukraine. EconPol Opinion 38, November 2020
Baranek, B. and Titl, V. (2020). Personal Political Connections and Efficiency of Public Procurement Contracts in the Period 2007 -– 2018 [summary in English]. IDEA Policy Study 6/2020. CERGE-EI: Prague.
Titl, V. and Geys, B. (2019). Donations to Political Parties and Procurement Contracts: Evidence from the Period 2007 – 2014. IDEA Policy Study 10/2019, CERGE-EI: Prague.